Great job on securing the Report Fortunes pack! If you want a committed following of readers, hyper responsive subscribers that turns a profit with every email you send out, then the Quick Tip Reports Upgrade pack is just for you!
Right now you can get your hands on 27 Quick Tip Reports packed with 100 tips and solutions covering a wider range of topics that your readers will absolutely love and latch onto!
On top of that you can also rebrand EVERY single report in this package with your ClickBank affiliate link and earn $177 or more in commissions without having to do anything else!
Plus to kick-start your viral machine, we'll even give you a copy of this very sales page so ANYONE who grabs master-resell and give-away rights to your reports will be passing your affiliate links around for you!
This report will give you 100 advertising tips. It lists you all kinds of different
ads you could create, post, purchase and use to market and advertise your
business. Plus, each one gives you many different ideas for copywriting
and increasing your conversion rates.... 1. All the factors being equal, launching radio ads is a brilliant business
feature. Tons of web site owners increase their ad hits using free content... 2. As it stands, trying display ads is a killer advertising formula. A number
of stores create their ad traffic using free videos and audios... 3. Others insist that broadcasting telemarketing ads is a captivating
promotional idea. Heaps of services boost their ad ratio using product
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 business ideas. You'll get ideas for broad
business niches, specific business ideas for those niches and
location/building ideas for your businesses. It can give you business start
up ideas and more businesses ideas to add to your existing income
...1) Start a writing business. It could be for copywriting, article writing, book
writing, etc. Your business might be offline.
...2) Open a automotive company. It can be a vehicle manufacturing plant,
vehicles dealer, automotive parts store, etc Your business could be in a
...3) Run a accounting business. It might be for bookkeeping service, tax
service, record keeping service, etc Your business may be in a shop.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 ecourse publishing techniques. They will help
you successfully publish follow-up autoresponder ecourses that you can
use as freebies or paid products. They will will persuade people to
subscribe to your opt-in list. Plus it will show you how to increase your
traffic, sales and affiliate commissions.
...1) Your ecourse header could be 'Thanks For Opting In To This (subject)
eCourse! '. Add affiliate ads in your ecourse. Plus you can state 'Visit these
other articles: ' and include your affiliate link.
...2) Your message line may be 'Here Is The 2 Of 5 Part Of Your (subject)
Ecourse! '. Insert affiliate sing up offers in your automated content. And you
might mention 'View these related audios: ' and publish your coded URL.
...3) Your e-mail header can be 'Here Is The Second Part Of Your (subject)
Ecourse! '. Furnish alerts./breaking news in your Internet e-class. Also you
could say 'See these comparable authors: ' and provide your reseller link.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 ezine publishing blueprints. They can be used
for newsletters, e-zines, newspapers and magazines. There are ideas
included for subscription publication content, designs, niches, titles and
...1) Start an animals ezine. You could name it a Digest publication. It might
have concept articles. You could publish it once a month.
...2) Publish an automobiles email newsletter. You may title it a Guide
publication. It can contain strategy information. You can charge a
subscription fee to it.
...3) Create a babies online magazine. You can call it a Shortcuts publication.
It may include idea content. You may ask subscribers to take a satisfaction
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 file sharing marketing formulas. File sharing is
where you share your computer files or digital property with others on the
Internet. You get many ideas for different kinds and types of files to share
like videos, pictures, text, audio, computer, etc. You can attach your ads to
your the files you give-away for free. You could post them on popular
file/audio/video/document sharing web sites to increase traffic or allow
others to give them away to utilize powerful viral marketing. The ideas are
...1) You can share friend photos and teaching videos. You could attach your
product ads to them. Also you can share '.doc Microsoft Word Document '
files and classic rock music.
...2) You might give out family photos and tv show clip videos. You may link
your service ads to them. Plus you might give out '.3dm Rhino 3D Model '
files and native American music.
...3) You could release work photos and movie clip videos. You can connect
your ezine ads to them. And you could release '.3g2 3GPP2 Multimedia '
files and foreign music.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 fitness product selling concepts. It includes
ideas for different types of fitness, exercise, workout and nutritional
products to sell and gives you persuasive copywriting words and phrases
that sell.
...1) You could sell AB crunches and jackknife sit-up books. Describe your
exercise products with words like 'easy exercises '.
...2) You might make ab twists and jogging equipment. Illustrate your diet
items with phrases as 'get in shape '.
...3) You can market ad benches and jump rope tools. Define your fitness
merchandise with sayings like 'work out '.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 follow up marketing secrets. You'll learn
creative ways to follow up with your prospects and discover some follow up
copywriting secrets. Plus you'll have prewritten phrases you can use to
influence people to visit, subscribe, join or buy after you follow-up with
...1) You can follow up with an update. Add a 'Buy now!' call to action to your
email. Your ending P.S. can state 'Don't forget about the upsell too! '.
...2) You might follow up with a reminder. Include a 'Visit today!' command to
your ad. Your closing postscript might communicate 'Don't ignore the OTO
either! '.
...3) You could follow up with a lower price. Link a 'Grab it!' phrase to your
letter. Your concluding P.S. could say 'Become a member! '.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 forum marketing tips. There are tips
underneath for questions you can ask in forums and all the kinds of
information you can gain from them. And you can increase your traffic and
sales by including your signature file and web site links below your forum
posts. A single forum question post can increase your income, subscribers,
customers, visitors, affiliates, backlinks, etc.
...1) You could ask 'search engine optimization' questions. For example, it
might be for getting objectives. Your question may be for accelerating your
...2) You might ask 'affiliate program' questions. To illustrate, it can be for
acquiring opinions. The question could be for adding more ezine readers.
...3) You can ask 'business start up' questions. For instance, it may be for
gathering ideas. A question might be for acquiring numerous social friends.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 hobby selling niches. You'll find loads of
hobby niches to profit from. And you'll have tons of different selling words
to use in your marketing materials and sales letters.
...1) You could sell aircraft spotting, celebrity photography, frisbee throwing,
live event attending and/or pyrotechnics stuff. Also you might state the
hobby is fun.
...2) You might make acting, cemetery walking, fruit gardening, live shows
and/or yoga things. Plus you can advertise the activity is exciting.
...3) You can market aerobics, ceramics, gambling, long drives and/or quilting
products. And you should say the pastime is relaxing.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 info product creation ideas. There are ideas
included for information products to sell for profits, to use as a bonus for a
buying incentive and to give away for free, viral traffic. Plus you'll get all
kinds of profitable niche and content ideas.
...1) You can write an ebook. For example, it could be about the topic of
animals. A final point is you can add chapters and objectives to the product.
...2) You should compose a print report. To illustrate, it might be related to
automobiles. To close, you might add advertorials and master resell rights
to the product.
...3) You could make an ezine. A prime example, it can be referring to babies.
A last point is you may add advice and a membership to the product.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 list building methods. It contains ideas for
freebies and copywriting strategies that will persuade people to subscribe
to your opt-list or e-mail newsletter. Building a huge opt-in list can give you
income anytime you want by just pushing the send button.
...1. One can conclude you can endorse a free sample. This will add
additional list customers. You could persuade prospects to opt-in after
showing off your freebie product cover/graphic.
...2. It is my belief, you should release free brandable rights. This will create
extra opt-in fans. You may influence prospects to join by bringing up the
professional writer you hired to create the product.
...3. I happen to believe you could publicize a free membership. It might
construct you some new subscriber traffic. You could bribe visitors to
reserve their sport by broadcasting you are offering an affiliate contest.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 customer loyalty strategies. It contains a ton of
ways to reward your visitors, subscribers and customers for improving for
business. You could reward them for visiting your web site, subscribing to
your ezine, downloading your free software, etc. You can award them with
redeemable loyalty points, discount offers, coupons, gift certificates, etc. It
will increase your profits by persuading people to buy your products with
their loyalty discounts.
...1) Reward prospects with loyalty points. It could be for people watching
your video. It can allure them to buy your ebook.
...2) Give leads discount credits. It might be for prospects volunteering their
expertise/service. It may alter them to purchase your print report.
...3) Provide visitors with savings dollars. It can be for leads visiting your blog.
It might appeal them to order your ezine.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 membership marketing tricks. You'll get
profitable and targeted membership niches, paid web site marketing ideas
and all the benefits membership web sites can offer you and your business.
...1) You could create a weather private web site. Offer a free trial to your
membership web site. A private web site will give you residual subscribers.
...2) You might market a war/military membership web site. Allow members to
add content to your continuity web site. A membership web site should give
you continuing readers.
...3) You can make a video games continuity web site. Make affiliate bonuses
from your private web site. A continuity web site would give you lifetime
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 product review ideas. It contains ideas for the
different types of product reviews, the benefits you got from the product,
the feelings the product gives you, how the product effects you mentally
and physically and if you liked the features of the product. Writing product
reviews is an effective way to increase your affiliate commissions. ...1) Write your review of the product. Does it help you make money? Will it
make you excited or sensible? Can it win or abandon your beliefs? Did you
like the color?
...2) Add your explanation of the product. Does it help you attract
men/woman? Will it make you surprised or credible? Can it upgrade or
abolish your habits? Did you like the size?
...3) Advertise your recommendations of the product. Does it help you be an
expert? Will it make you enthusiastic or your motivated? Can it create or
abort your actions? Did you like the shape?
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 resell rights selling formulas. Selling resell,
master resell, private label and other rights can increase your sales
because it gives people and businesses more reasons to buy and a chance
to make their money back. Plus you'll learn the exact reasons why certain
product rights trigger people to purchase them.
...1) Market resell rights with your resell product. It will persuade people to
buy it because they can keep one-hundred percent of the sales and profits.
...2) Sell product bonus rights with your resell product. It might captivate
prospects to purchase it because they will have instant bonuses to help sell
the product.
...3) Promote language rights with your resell product. It could entice visitors
to order it because they can sell your product to anyone in any language.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 software creation ideas. You'll get tons of ideas for computer software, mobile/social networking apps, web site scripts and blog plug ins. You can use these ideas to create new ones to sell or to buy or use in your current business. These types of software can increase your profits, expand product line, increase your free time, lower your expenses, accelerate your traffic, etc.
...1) You could create and/or use spreadsheets software, dental/vision applications and/or contact form blog/web site plug ins/scripts. They can improve your sales.
...2) You might make and/or operate presentation software, diet/nutrition applications and/or se optimization blog/web site plug ins/scripts. They may better your assets.
...3) You can generate and/or apply game software, education/college applications and/or site map blog/web site plug ins/scripts. They might shape up your productivity.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 website business models. You get ideas for
lots of different types of websites and/or businesses to start. Plus you will
learn what qualities and features to look for in web hosting companies that
will host your websites or blogs. The more websites you have, the more
streams of income you will have.
...1) You could start a search engine website. You want to pick a website
hosting company that is affordable. It will save you money.
...2) You might run a web directory website. You need to select a website
hosting business that is reliable. They will always be there for you.
...3) You can publish a forum website. You want to choose a website hosting
service that is secure. It will protect your information.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 website/business selling/flipping methods. It
will give you all kinds of selling points to use that will gain a huge profit from
flipping your web site or selling your offline business.
...1) You could talk about the benefits of your web site's domain name. Or
you may list the benefits of your offline business's building type.
...2) You might publish the features of your online business's back links. Or
you can publish the features of your offline company's location.
...3) You should comment on the advantages of your web blog's articles or
content. Or you might comment on the advantages of your offline service's
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 website/blog monetization secrets. You'll learn
all kinds of secrets for making money with your web site or blog. You can
add as many of these income streams as you can handle. Plus you'll get
monetization ideas for profiting from the skills you learn while running your
online business. ...1) You could sell resell rights products. You could also promote your online
services like being a affiliate program manager.
...2) You might trade advertising space. You might also sell your business
talents for example being a virtual secretary.
...3) You can promote private label products. You can also market your web
attributes related to being a computer programmer.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 blog commenting tactics. It contains things on
a blog you can comment on and persuasive types of attention getting
words you can use. When you include your with web site link with your blog
comment it can give you traffic from backlinks and targeted visitors that
may buy your products.
1) You can comment on the description of the blog. You might add it's
worthwhile. Your blog review can increase your backlinks.
2) You should comment on the details of the blog. You can dispatch it's
pure gold. Your blog hunches shall expand your subscriptions.
3) You may write about the other's comments on the blog. You could
display it's proven. Your blog credence may multiply your advertisers.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 advertisement writing methods. The two main
ingredients you need in any advertisement is a way to grab people's
attention and show them how they can benefit from your product or service.
You can do this with attention grabbing headlines and good benefit bullets.
This report will give you tons of fill-in-the-blank examples you can add to
your sales letters, email ads, blog posts, video ads, etc.
1) Try a sales letter headline like ' Just Released! (product type, name or
benefit)! '. You can use benefit bullets in your ads like ' One
advanced/huge/best way... and How to win/wipe away... '.
2) Test an email subject line like ' (product type, name or benefit) Exposed!
'. You might write benefit lines in your ads like ' A
abundant/hypnotic/progressive way... and How to use/ward off... '.
3) Publish a blog post header like ' Introductory Offer: (product type, name
or benefit)! '. You could type benefit phrases in your ads like ' The
alternative/ideal/prominent way... and How to upgrade/weaken... '.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 advertisement writing methods. The two main
ingredients you need in any advertisement is a way to grab people's
attention and show them how they can benefit from your product or service.
You can do this with attention grabbing headlines and good benefit bullets.
This report will give you tons of fill-in-the-blank examples you can add to
your sales letters, email ads, blog posts, video ads, etc.
1) Try a sales letter headline like ' Just Released! (product type, name or
benefit)! '. You can use benefit bullets in your ads like ' One
advanced/huge/best way... and How to win/wipe away... '.
2) Test an email subject line like ' (product type, name or benefit) Exposed!
'. You might write benefit lines in your ads like ' A
abundant/hypnotic/progressive way... and How to use/ward off... '.
3) Publish a blog post header like ' Introductory Offer: (product type, name
or benefit)! '. You could type benefit phrases in your ads like ' The
alternative/ideal/prominent way... and How to upgrade/weaken... '.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 contest marketing secrets. A contest could
even be called a challenge, competition, game, tournament, etc. Holding a
contest is a powerful way to gain new prospects and customers. They will
visit your web site, opt-in to your list, promote your products or any
beneficial action that will help your business just for a chance to win a
prize. Plus, if you make a copy of your product as the prize and they don't
win it, they may end up buying it later anyway. This report will give you tons
of ideas for different types of contests and prizes.
1) Hold an affiliate contest. It could persuade people to join your
membership site. You could use a dvd as the contest prize.
2) Host an essay challenge. It might convince prospects to opt-in to your
list. You might give a cd to the contest winner.
3) Issue an article writing competition. It could influence visitors to visit your
web site. You can grant an ebook as the contest reward.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 joint venture marketing secrets. It it includes
tons of ways for persuading joint venture partners and super affiliates to
promote your product or service. You'll have all kinds of successful ideas
for writing joint venture proposals, creating affiliate sign-up pages/blogs,
picking affiliate contest prizes and much more.
1) Write that your JV partners will get 50% per sale. Many people will
accept your affiliate offer by you saying that they could win a vacation. Plus
you could post that your JV page has brandable ebooks and they'll have 10
ways to make commissions.
2) Voice that your affiliates could earn 75% per click. Almost all the people
will sign up to your JV deal via you stating that the affiliate with the most
sales wins a cruise. Also you might add that your reseller blog includes fillin-
the-blank classified ads and promoting the prelaunch is the easiest way
to make sales.
3) Upload that your resellers may make 60% per sign up. Plenty of people
will promote your reseller proposal through you revealing that they have the
chance to win a laptop. Furthermore you can advertise that your joint
venture web site contains tested e-courses and they'll see 100's of emails
when it launches.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 niche marketing tactics. It includes ideas for
some larger popular niches and smaller profitable targeted niches. The
large markets give you a bigger audience but more competition and the
little markets give a smaller audience but less competition.
1) You could compete in the dental/vision niche. Many businesses change
markets to raise their sales. A lot of micro niches are more profitable like
2) You should enter the diet/nutrition market. Almost all entrepreneurs add
industries to increase their orders. Repeatedly smaller markets are extra
valuable like carb-free foods.
3) You can move in the education/college industry. Plenty of webmasters
transform niches to refine their payments. Sometimes more targeted
industries are less competitive like microbiology.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 product preselling tips. You'll learn a 100 ways
you can presell your product before you officially release it. You'll be able to
mentally persuade people to buy ahead of launching your product.
1) You can presell your product with a free ebook. It will tempt subscribers
to get it before you reveal the product.
2) You might prelaunch your web site with a no cost print report. It should
shift readers to buy it ahead of you exposing the web site.
3) You could pre-advertise your service with a complimentary ezine. It
might trigger friends to get it previous to you market the service.
4) You may pre-promote your merchandise with a freebie how to article. It
can sway followers to order it in advance of the product being live.
5) You should premarket your item with an example membership site. It
may arouse leads to create a buzz about it prior to you releasing the item.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
This report will give you 100 search engine techniques. The competition is
fierce in the search engines. In order to get your web site or blog ranked
high you need all the SEO techniques you can handle from this list. But the
great thing is the search engine is also one big search engine optimization
school. You can study millions of high rank web sites and model their
techniques to use on your web site.
1) You might add keywords/phrases in the html title tag. You could also
model other high ranked blog site's SEO tactics.
2) You can have good linking structure. You might also clone other top
listed video site's search engine tips.
3) You should insert keywords/phrases in the html body copy. You can also
imitate other leading world news site's optimization methods.
Includes professionally written report with give-away and master resale rights,
drag and drop branding tool, and cover graphics for maximium appeal.
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Remember these quick tip reports are all done and written for you. Just think how much time you'll save writing everything yourself, how much money you'll save from ghostwriters, and how many more sales you'll make as a direct result of using this content!
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